Cardio – Responsive One Page Multipurpose Bootstrap Template

The design of Cardio is bright and spacious with a fresh color combination including solid typography. It has a unique navigation style with nice transition effects. The hierarchy of the sections is excellent. For this, one can browse the site and read through the content quickly. People will admire your website after surfing. Now, many people browse websites from handheld devices. So, the developer team has developed Cardio on the mobile first theory. Firstly, they created the template for smartphones. Then tuned it up for the higher devices. Before launching, the team tested it almost on all devices. Every person of a team has a significant role. The combination of these roles builds a strong bond of the respective organization or company. This bond makes the company more productive and trustworthy to their clients.


  • Free Multipurpose Template.
  • Clean and Modern Design.
  • Bootstrap Powered.
  • 100% Responsive Template.
  • Contains W3C Valid Markups.
  • Cross Browser Support
  • 100% SEO Friendly.
  • Well Commented Code.
  • CSS3 Animation.
  • Working Contact Form.
  • Fully Customizable.
  • Contains Font Awesome Icons


Cardio – Responsive One Page Multipurpose Bootstrap Template


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