Logic is a modern Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme made to look awesome on any size of screen.
Logic is ideal theme for any agency like creative design agency, web development agency, PR agency, fashion agency, as a theme for startup company or well established company. It would also look great for product or service landing page or product micro site. With great collection of elements to choose from and present your product it is ideal theme for any startup company.
- Responsive Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Smooth Scroll
- MixTub Portfolio with Masonary
- FancyBox Popup Video
- jQuery Easing JS
- Font Awesome Icons
- Unyson Framework Used
- Drag & Drop Page Builder Facility.
- Google Analytics tracking code that will let you get all the analytics about visitors, page views and more.
- SEO extension is enable for fully optimized WordPress website by adding optimized meta titles, keywords and descriptions.
- Adequate Themes Option
- Full theme documentation is included into Theme folder
- And Much More ..
Special Thanks to Sagorika Sultana ๐
Greenfair MultiPurpose One Page WordPress Theme
Initial release: 1.0