Bootstrap is the most popular CSS and HTML framework which is used for developing fully responsive and mobile first web projects.
Here are top reasons why bootstrap is used by developers and designers:
Easy-to-use and Time saving: It is quite easy to use the bootstrap framework. If you have basic knowledge and understanding of HTML and CSS, you can develop websites. Using bootstrap framework, you can save a lot of time.
Customizable: A benefit of bootstrap is that it is 100% customizable. You can pick and choose what is required. Bootstrap themes and templates can be customized as per your project requirement.
Consistency: Bootstrap framework has solved the inconsistency between developers and designers working on their web projects. Bootstrap looks consistent on all browsers. Bootstrap is a popular open-source that ensures consistency.
Responsiveness: The demand for responsive websites is increasing as more and more people use mobile devices. Bootstrap framework is adaptable to all platforms. So, you don’t need to worry about your work if you shift from a desktop to iPad.
Compatibility: Bootstrap framework is compatible on all browsers. A bootstrap theme or template is compatible on all browsers.
Open source: Bootstrap is an open-source framework. So, you don’t need to deal with purchasing and licensing problems. This framework gives you an authority to modify it whenever you want.
If you are planning to create a website for your business, why don’t you try our bootstrap themes and templates which are free to use? 100% customizable! Responsive! Based on HTML5 & CSS! So, give your business a boost by developing a responsive website!